
當前位置 首頁 劇情片 《與時間獨斗》

與時間獨斗 10.0

類型:劇情  其它  2016 

主演:雅尼娜·福茨 村田祐基 蒂米· 

導演:Christian Theede 




《與時間獨斗》是有七折電影網(wǎng)免費提供在線觀看地址,影片2016年上映于其它地區(qū),豆瓣好評居高不下。與時間獨斗是由喜歡劇情片的熱心網(wǎng)友上傳至網(wǎng)站,該部作品是由導演Christian,Theede,主演雅尼娜·福茨,村田祐基,蒂米·特林克斯等一起努力共同拍攝完成的,本片在故事情節(jié)、角色塑造、制作設計等方面都表現(xiàn)出色,更在思想深度上有所突破是一部值得推薦觀看的作品,與時間獨斗劇情簡述On a class trip, five friends are kidnapped by an evil doomsday cult seeking to achieve immortality with an ancient pagan artifact – and who will stop at nothing to do it...  Berlin students Ben, Jonas, Leo, Ozzi and Sophie are on a class trip to boring Hildesheim. Their schedule includes visiting the medieval cathedral and witnessing a complete solar eclipse, but destiny intervenes… A bomb goes off at the cathedral and the students are evacuated by the police, only to find themselves in the clutches of an occult secret society calling themselves the Lunaris Cult, who aim to use an ancient pagan artifact, the Irminsul, to harness the vital force of their teenage captives and use it for their own purposes on the eclipse. The evil cultists are after immortality and divine power, and are even prepared to sacrifice the friends' lives.  Ben and his gang manages to escape. Chased from one danger to the next, the cultists pursue them, closing in on them more and more. The fanatics have it all planned out, it seems, leaving nothing to chance. They disable the cell phone networks and satellite connections, leaving the friends to fend for themselves …



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  • 影迷對《與時間獨斗》的評價如下:
  • Mtime時光網(wǎng)網(wǎng)友:影片的畫面精美絕倫,音效逼真,極具視覺沖擊力,令觀眾沉浸其中,感受影片的魅力。
  • 百度視頻網(wǎng)友:主演的演技出彩,將角色的內心情感展現(xiàn)得淋漓盡致,令人動容,相比第一部演員有所升級
  • 豆瓣電影網(wǎng)友:導演對細節(jié)的把控十分到位,每個鏡頭都經(jīng)過精心構思,令人贊嘆不已,首先要說明一點,拋開所有片外因素,這部片子我看得很爽。
  • 優(yōu)酷視頻網(wǎng)友:《與時間獨斗》影片的紀實風格,散發(fā)出純凈的濃濃的現(xiàn)實詩意氣息。
  • 騰通視頻網(wǎng)友:這部劇讓人熱血沸騰,情節(jié)緊湊,讓人一直保持著觀影的熱情,制作和技術方面畫面精美絕倫,音效和配樂也相得益彰,為整部影片增色不少。
  • 網(wǎng)友:《與時間獨斗》在表現(xiàn)風格上深沉雋永,但多數(shù)段落卻顯得明快詼諧,運用喜劇手法來傳達悲劇性內容是其突出的美學特點。
  • 騰通視頻網(wǎng)友:一粒沙中見世界,一部影片中展現(xiàn)人間百態(tài),這就是藝術的最大魅力。
  • TV視頻網(wǎng)友:《與時間獨斗》對藝術特征有精深的理解和把握,生動的細節(jié)描繪人物的內心活動。
  • 冬瓜影院網(wǎng)友:《與時間獨斗》這部影片通過其獨特的敘事方式、深刻的主題思考以及引人入勝的故事情節(jié),值得我們去細細品味。
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